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How a SIPP Works

Contributions to the SIPP can be made in the following ways:

  • Lump sum and/or

  • Monthly direct debit/standing order,

  • And transfers from existing pensions

The contributions as well as your tax relief from the HMRC will be invested into your preferred investment portfolio.


By engaging with our regulated financial advisors, you would be in a position to make an informed financial and investment decision that will assist you in meeting your retirement objectives.


The Oasis funds are accessible to investors through a SIPP. The Oasis funds cater to your needs throughout your life cycle and are designed to satisfy the risk profiling and life staging by investing in the Equity, Property and Income asset classes.


The portfolios are managed in accordance with ethical and religious guidelines that satisfy an investor’s moral and ethical beliefs.


The value of your investment is linked to the performance of your chosen investment fund and can accordingly go down as well as up.

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